Training Session 4: Introduction to XBRL (GL) Framework


Training Session 4: Introduction to XBRL (GL) Framework




Do you need standardization and simplification below the "end reporting" level? Want help digging down into the details? The Global Ledger Framework (XBRL GL) is an extensible set of modules that can represent the underlying details of operational, business and accounting systems in order to support end reporting, as well as to facilitate ERP integration. In this hands-on session, the beginner will work with XML and XBRL to begin understanding the representational capabilities of the Global Ledger Framework.


This course is oriented towards consultants, auditors, accounting software (or related products) developers; regulators.  No previous experience is required.


Course Overview


A brief introduction to XML and XBRL

Hands-on exercise: XML Basics

Introduction to XBRL GL

XBRL GL’s role in the Business  Reporting Supply Chain

Working with an XBRL GL template

Twenty key XBRL GL fields

Working with an XBRL GL template

Twenty key XBRL GL fields

Trial Balance with XBRL GL

Where can XBRL GL be used?

Annotated instance documents




Eric E Cohen, PwC & Gianluca Garbellotto, IPHIX 





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