TR5-17 GRI and Internal Performance Reporting
Presenter: Thomas Verdin
The Global Reporting Initiative™ develops a common sustainability reporting framework, which provides guidance for organizations to relate their sustainability performance as well as standard disclosures – including indicators – to report Environmental, Social and Governance information (ESG). The GRI taxonomy facilitates the exchange and the benchmark of these indicators. Similarly, organizational frameworks, such as the EFQM Excellence Model, defines assessment and reporting criteria at an internal level and promotes the use of structured indicators to evaluate the organization’s capability and performance. It promotes internal and external benchmark as a way to demonstrate and the organization’s commitment to excellence. Using the GRI indicators to build the internal performance management reports provides a natural framework for comparison with other organizations. The presentation will focus on an ongoing business case in which the XBRL GRI taxonomy is used as well for internal performance reporting as for external benchmark on excellence and sustainability. Such an approach, which builds a strong connection between internal performance initiatives and consolidated ESG disclosures, offers a complete and reliable information to Responsible Investors of how organizations performs, and how they organize themselves to improve their performance.