TR2-10 Use and Future Development of XBRL in the Context of TDnet
Presenter: Koji Yoshida
In 1988, the TSE implemented the timely disclosure network system, TDnet (the Timely Disclosure network), to disseminate timely disclosure information submitted by listed companies. In 2003, TDnet became the first system of its type in the world to incorporate and practically apply XBRL. Today, all of the companies listed on TSE submit their earnings digests and other financial data to TDnet completely in XBRL format, and that information is then distributed to investors through TDnet. In this session, we would like to explain our plan to improve the efficiency of the listing supervision carried out by the TSE by utilizing the XBRL financial data of listed companies stored in TDnet. We would also like to discuss plans for applying XBRL data in the business of the TSE, and the direction this will follow with respect to timely disclosure information.