Herman "Herm" Fischer

UBmatrix & Mark V

For UBmatrix, Inc, Herm is the designer and implementer of “Taxonomy Designer”, an interactive application for XBRL taxonomy building and instance document editing. He implemented formula editors and formula language processors for XBRL for the Excel-inspired approach used by the FDIC and for XPath 2 based approaches as used by UBmatrix XPE and Formula PWD prototypes. He implemented dimensional taxonomy editing and execution analysis. His XBRL execution processors continue in long production use by the FDIC and by NEC/SMBC.

He has a patent application on automated conversion of data and metadata to XBRL.

For Mark V Systems, Herm has been involved in development of graphical-based design and analysis software over three decades, and has been involved in public standards for the US DoD (Ada), the EEC Esprit program (PCTE), the Electronic Industries Association, and the Council of Defense and Space Industry Associations.

For XBRL.ORG, Herm’s passion to support public standards continues in contributions to the 2.0 and 2.1 versions of XBRL, its dimensions, formulas, infoset, version and pattern analysis.

Otherwise consumed, little time is left for hiking and travel, photography, and volunteer advocacy and relief efforts to genocide taking place in Darfur.

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