Deutsche Bundesbank, Software Engineer
Katrin Schmehl, who holds a degree in business administration from the University of Applied Sciences of the German Central Bank, works as a software engineer in the IT department of the Deutsche Bundesbank where for the past six years, she has specialised in the development of web applications for banking supervision purposes.
Since October 2004 she has represented the Deutsche Bundesbank in the CEBS XBRL Network of the CEBS where she played a central role in the development of the Common Reporting (COREP) and Financial Reporting (FINREP) taxonomies for European Banking Supervisors. She has participated as a speaker at many of the European Banking Supervisors XBRL Workshops that were organised to exchange information about the XBRL development process in Europe for COREP and FINREP, with particular emphasis on explaining the dimensional aspects of the COREP and FINREP taxonomies to taxonomy editors who were adopting the CEBS XBRL approach.
For the last two years she has been in charge of the integration of XBRL reporting into an application system of the Deutsche Bundesbank, with a special focus on extending the COREP taxonomy to meet the specific German requirements for Solvency Reporting within the European COREP framework. As Vice-Chair of the Versioning Working Group, she is currently deeply involved in the development of the XBRL Versioning Specification.