Conference Speakers

Michael Alles
Dr. Michael Alles is a tenured associate professor at the Department of Accounting, Business Ethics & Information Systems at Rutgers Business School at Rutgers University and editor of the International Journal of Disclosure and Governance, published by Palgrave-Macmillan in London. Prior to Rutgers, he taught at the University of Texas at Austin, New York University and Southern Methodist University. His specialties are the design of strategic control systems, continuous auditing, XBRL and management accounting. He is widely published in all these areas. Dr. Alles holds a doctorate from Stanford Business School and a First Class Honors in Economics from the Australian National University.

Stéphane Allez
Managing director, associate founder of the INVOKE company, Stephane ALLEZ followed higher education of mathematics in the University of Rouen.
From 1982 till 1986, it develops the first accountancy on PC within SSII OCTOPUS, broadcast in more than 2 000 copies. He is the author of software packages LF-OCTOPUS (Fiscal Roll) and 123 / x (Connection Lotus 123).
From 1986 till 1988, first as collaborator of the SYBEL-group (now part of SAGE-group) then as an independent, he creates more innovative software.
In 1989, he founds the INVOKE society and develops the software package "EXPLOREUR" (Editor of fiscal statements). From 1994 till 1996 he competes to the development of NATSTAR (Programs Generator) and of NSDK as engineer for the society NAT SYSTEMS.
From 1997, he dedicates himself exclusively to the society INVOKE.
From 1997 till 2005, Stephane ALLEZ aims the development of the "TOSCAN3 range, Accounting and financial software packages, used by more than 1 300 customers among witch there are prestigious french groups: L’Oréal, SNCF, Caisse des dépôts et Consignations, Saint GOBAIN, groupe Caisses d’ Epargne, Groupe Accord-casino….
Since 2005 and as managing director, he puts himself into piloting and promotionning the technical innovations of the society. For instance, he aims the development of two new XBRL tools : XBRL Form, a reader of all kind of XBRL based-data report and XBRL Form-designer, a writer of any XBRL instance
Stephane Allez enlivens the Marketing Communication group which assures the preparation of the annual national Conference, professional breakfasts and the Newsletter of XBRL France.

Jose M. Alonso-Revilla
Alonso, José M. CNMV Telecommunication Engineer graduated from Madrid Polytechnic University. Currently working as Deputy Head of IT at the Comision Nacional del Mercado de Valores (CNMV) and responsible of software development, also Head of the Spanish National Numbering Agency, a department of the CNMV, as well as Chair of the XBRL Spain’s Technology Working Group.
Since 1991 has been Spanish delegate to the Securities Subcommittee of the ISO TC/68 participating actively in the development and implementation of several standards related to the electronic data interchange and Straight-Through-Processing (STP) in the Financial Industry.

Mikael Ă…lund
I am a legal adviser to the management of the SCRO and I have for ten years been working with different projects with the aim to simplify the reporting obligations for Swedish companies, hence reducing their connected administrative costs. My latest assignment was to propose a solution to the Swedish government as how to reduce the companies reporting obligations by the reuse of information already submitted to one governmental authority.