Session de training 2: Les rapports financiers avec XBRL

Training 2: Preparing Financial Reports with XBRL


XBRL International is offering this ‘hands-on’ training course for those who are relatively new to XBRL. The purpose of the course is to introduce the fundamentals of the technology and the skills required to prepare XBRL-based financial statements.

This course is oriented towards executives who are attending the XBRL International Conference for the first time and professionals who require the practical skills to produce XBRL financial statements.

Course Objective

  • To understand the nature and meaning of XBRL and the technical terms that are commonly associated with XBRL

  • To create several valid XBRL instance documents of increasing complexity
  • To understand the nature and use of ‘dimensions’ and ‘tuples’ when creating XBRL financial reports
  • To create and apply a simple taxonomy extension
  • To gain insights to the software and project management issues currently associated with the preparation of XBRL files
  • To highlight relevant conference sessions that will enable attendees to enhance knowledge of XBRL financial reports

Course details

  • The full-day course will take place on Monday 22 June 2009.
  • Software: course participants will be notified of required software downloads in advance of the course. Data files and taxonomies will be provided.
  •  Each course participant must have own laptop. Laptops will not be provided by XBRL International.
  • The practical exercises and demonstrations are based on International Financial Reporting Standards. The training emphasis is to utilise realistic financial reporting data while remaining approachable from an XBRL perspective. It is assumed that participants will not have any significant prior knowledge of XBRL. The course minimizes technical material where possible but sufficient technical material will be covered to permit an appreciation of a variety of XBRL software applications.

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