Session 2: Réduire les charges de reporting dans un environnement réglementé

Track Chairs: Luc Dufresne and Josef Macdonald
The reduction of administrative burden is an important topic for the European countries in general and the Commission in particular.  Learn from the experiences of your professional peers – understand the benefits and avoid the pitfalls.
For participants, this track session will:

  • Examine how XBRL can help regulators reduce administrative burden
  • Share case studies from around the world demonstrating how regulators are using XBRL to improve efficiency and accuracy of regulatory reporting
  • Highlight the experiences of experts from central balance sheet offices, government agencies, business registries and other regulatory bodies

What is expected from contributors, in terms of experience, sector…. 

  • This track intends to share experiences of real projects with success keys and issues in the field of the reporting to institutional regulators
  • Track speakers should belong to business registers, central balance sheet data offices, government agencies and other regulators having already initiated XBRL-projects to reduce the reporting burden on preparers.         

Presenters should be prepared to address:

  • How does XBRL sustain the aim of cutting red tape?
  • What are the benefits , challenges and opportunities of implementing XBRL?
  • What is the role of XBRL in international data exchange (e.g. corporate data in an EU-context)?


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